Kingswear Parish Council


Minutes of the Planning Committee held in the Trust Room on Tuesday 26th May 2015 at 7.30pm


PRESENT:  5 Councillors: Cllr. H. Newcombe (Chair), Cllr. R. Adams, Cllr. E. Parkes, Cllr. R. Searle and Cllr. M. Trevorrow. In addition, Mrs E Illingworth (Clerk) and 3 members of the public.



            Cllrs J. Henshall and L. Payne


P/034/15 MINUTES (2)

The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 28th April 2015 were agreed but will be signed as a correct record at the next meeting.



Cllr. E. Parkes declared a personal interest in item 6.



             There were discussions for applications 30/0771/15/F and 30/0887/15/F



1.  30/0771/15/F Householder application for new ancillary unit of accommodation for Mr. A Brownsword at Kittery Court, Priory Street, Kingswear. TQ6 0AB.          OBJECTION (unanimous)


The development is within the Conservation Area. The Conservation Plan refers to Kittery Court as having some of the few surviving examples of 16th Century building. The Conservation Area also protects large gardens with trees. The building is not felt to be appropriate for this area and is over development of the site. Historically there was no building in this site. The stand alone dwelling is not supported.

There is also concern over access and parking and the increase in size to 3 bedrooms from the  previously refused application. The parish council has referred back to the planning officer's comments regarding the 2013 application which was refused. (Mr R Boyt).

The privacy of neighbours would also be affected. 


2. 30/0887/15/F Internal rearrangement of 5 existing residential apartments to create 5 new residential apartments including rooftop extension. Existing Public House converted into A2 unit and general (water compatible) storage at The Royal Dart. The Square, Kingswear. TQ6 0AA. For Darthaven Marina.                                                                              NO OBJECTION (unanimous)


3. 30/0888/15/LB Listed building consent for internal rearrangement of 5 existing residential apartments to create 5 new residential apartments including rooftop extension. Existing Public House converted into A2 unit and general (water compatible) storage at The Royal Dart. The Square, Kingswear. TQ6 0AA. For Darthaven Marina.                                    NO OBJECTION (unanimous)


4. 30/0849/15/F Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling (resubmission of planning approval 30/2393/11/F) for Mr and Mrs M Landymore at Dunheved, Beacon Lane,   Kingswear. TQ6 0BU.                                                                         NO OBJECTION (unanimous)


5. 30/0909/15/F Demolition of existing side extension and replacement with new flat roof extension and raised front patio for Mr A Marshall at Flat 1, Roselands, Lower Contour Road, Kingswear. TQ6 0BE.                                                                                                      NO OBJECTION (unanimous)


6. 30/0972/15/F Erection of 2 dwellings (amendment to planning consent 30/2210/10/F) for Mr M Williams at development at Raddicombe Farm, Raddicombe Lane, Hillhead, Brixham. TQ5 0EX.

                                                                                                                          NO OBJECTION (unanimous)


P/038/15 TREE MATTERS (6)


1. Work to Trees in a Conservation Area

Application Number: 30/0987/15/TCA

Site: Trees on land rear to Toft Quay, Beacon Road, Kingswear. TQ6 0BS


Recommended Condition:

Trees to be removed replaced with a suitable species further away from the wall.


2. Trees Preservation Order – Grant of Conditional Consent (Noted)

Order: No 19 Tree Preservation Order 1992

Application number: 30/0541/15/tw

Location: Land at Kingswear Wood, between Lower Contour Road and Brixham Road, Kingswear.



1. Objection to application 30/0771/15/F x 2

2. Tree Warden re application for Toft Quay.





P/041/15 SHDC PLANNING DECISIONS (Kingswear PC Recommendations in Brackets) (9) NOTED


1. 30/0442/15/F Removal of embankment in front of the rock face to create 4NO additional car parking spaces for Mr D Elliott at Car parking at SX 8870 5123, Higher Contour Road, Kingswear. REFUSAL (No Objection)


2. 30/0461/15/F Householder application for formation of parking area and alterations and extensions to dwelling for Dr and Mrs N Frampton at Lyndhurst, Brixham Road, Kingswear. TQ6 0BA.                                                           CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (No Objection)


3.  30/3212/14/F Erection of 2no. Flats for Mr R Morrison at Plot 4, Lower Contour Road, Kingswear. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (No Objection) (because the privacy objections about overlooking have been addressed.)


4. 30/0741/15/F Lawful development certificate for proposed demolition of existing single storey outbuilding and replacing with new single storey/workshop on existing foot print for Mr and Mrs T Bolton at Hoodown House, Hoodown Lane. Kingswear. TQ6 0AZ.CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS PROPOSED (No Objection)


 Minutes Approved……………………………….     Date:………………….